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3 New Positive Cases in Ohio County; Vaccinations Continue


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Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is announcing three (3) new cases of COVID-19 for 6/21/21 in Ohio County.  Case surveillance, contact tracing, and monitoring continue for many of the reported cases.  Vaccinations continue this week.

Five (5) new cases of the COVID-19 variant B.1.1.7, or more commonly referred to as the UK Variant, have been identified in Ohio County.  A total of eighty-five (85) variant cases have been identified in Ohio County as of 6/21/21. 

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics

COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics (subject to change due to supply and demand).  Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen vaccines are available.  Walk-ins welcomed at all locations.

•                     6/22/21 – Walk-in Clinic at Health Department 9-11am & 1-3pm

•                     6/23/21 – Walk-in Clinic at Health Department 9-11am & 1-3pm

•                     6/24/21 – Walk-in Clinic at Health Department 9-11am & 1-3pm

•                     6/25/21 – Walk-in Clinic at Health Department 9-11am & 1-3pm

•                     6/26/21 – NO CLINIC.

•                     6/27/21 – NO CLINIC.

•                     6/28/21 – Walk-in Clinic at Health Department 9-11am & 1-3pm

•                     6/29/21 – Walk-in Clinic at Health Department 9-11am & 1-3pm

•                     6/30/21 – Walk-in Clinic at Health Department 9-11am & 1-3pm

Effective 6/11/21 COVID-19 vaccinations will be given at the County Health Department located at 1500 Chapline Street, Wheeling, WV.  

Ohio County and Ohio Valley residents are advised to limit public contact, implement social distancing, wash their hands frequently, and contact their personal physician if they become ill with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing.            

The Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is reminding Ohio Valley residents that if they are tested for COVID-19 that they are to remain in home isolation until they receive negative test results.  Individuals who test positive will be contacted by a county health department and receive further instructions in regard to care and monitoring.            

If positive, you should restrict activities outside your home, except for getting medical care. Do not go to work, school, or public areas. If you have a medical appointment, call the healthcare provider and tell them that you have or may have COVID-19 prior to arriving at the facility. This will help the healthcare provider’s office take steps to keep other people from getting infected or exposed.            

The off-site Wheeling Hospital COVID-19 testing clinic continues operations.  Ohio Valley residents who are interested in being tested at this location should call the on-call number at (304) 221-3995. Testing is also available at Doctor’s Urgent Care, call (304) 232-0725 for more information; MedExpress is also testing for COVID-19, for more information call (304) 242-4228; Wheeling Health Right is offering testing, call (304) 233-9323 for more information.  

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Primetime, A&B Pharmacy Partner with Trinity Health for Covid Booster Clinic

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New Bivalent “Omicron Booster” Vaccine Added to COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics in Ohio County

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35 New Covid Cases, 19 Probables Recorded by Marshall County Health Department

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