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39 Positives in Marshall, Ohio Counties


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Marshall County:

Marshall County Health Department received confirmation today of 3 deaths of Marshall County residents associated to COVID-19. Today, we received notification that we lost a 59-year-old female who was hospitalized at the time of her passing, a 96-year-old male and a 73-year-old female who were residents of long term care at the time of their passing.

Our hearts are heavy with the loss of these Marshall County residents associated with COVID-19. The thoughts and prayers of the staff at the Health Department and all county offices are with the family and friends of these residents during this difficult time.

The Marshall County Health Department also received confirmation 21 new positive cases and 7 new probable cases.  The Health Department continues to work on investigations and contact tracing.  Due to the extraordinary demand on the staff, we will not be providing a detailed listing of each of these cases at this time due to these time constraints.  These cases reported are from Sunday and Monday.

This brings Marshall County to a total of 1346 confirmed cases and 203 probable cases, 474 of which are in isolation at home, 12 hospitalized, 36 associated deaths and 1027 whom have been released from isolation. 

Everyone can assist in stopping this rapid increase of cases by wearing masks when in public, maintaining social distance and avoiding large scale events.

Due to Marshall County remaining in an elevated status, the Health Department will continue with the listed testing:

12/8/2020        10am – 2pm

12/9/2020        10am – 2pm

12/10/2020      10am – 2pm

12/11/2020      10am – 2pm

All testing to be conducted at the Health Department.

For more information, contact the Marshall County Health Department at 304-845-7840 or visit our Facebook page at Marshall County Health Department – WV.

Ohio County:

The Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is announcing three (3) COVID-19 associated deaths for December 7, 2020.  One individual was hospitalized at the time of their death the other two were residents of a local long-term care facility at the time of their death.  

Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is announcing eighteen (18) new cases of COVID-19 in Ohio County for Monday, December 7, 2020.  Currently, the health department reports a total of 1921 cases (one case was transferred to another county), including twenty-five (25) deaths. Case surveillance, contact tracing, and monitoring continue for many of the reported cases.   During the community mass testing today (12/7/2020), the health department performed 115 COVID-19 tests on Ohio Valley residents.  

Starting Monday, December 7th, and running until December 12th, the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department will hold free COVID-19 testing clinics at three locations in Ohio County.    

Ohio County COVID Testing

December 7-December 12, 2020

11 am-4 pm

Valley Grove Volunteer Fire Department

355 Fire House Lane, Valley Grove WV

Warwood Fire Station, Station 9

1301 Richland Avenue

Wheeling Island Fire Station, Station 5

11 North Wabash Street

The free clinics are for those with or without symptoms and no insurance is needed. Participants need to bring a driver’s license, photo ID or other proof of address. No residency restrictions.  Patients under 18 years of age must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. This is a drive-up testing clinic and participants will be tested either in their personal vehicles or at a walk-up location near the testing sites.  This special clinic is being hosted by the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department and the Wheeling-Ohio County Emergency Management Agency. For more information call the Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department at (304) 234-3682. 

The Health Department is reminding residents that the county is currently ORANGE in the daily WVDHHR County Alert Map.  Travel sports teams are prohibited from participating in games, practices, or other types of competition within counties designated as gold, orange, or red in the alert map.  The restriction does not apply to teams that play in defined, relatively small geographic areas, such as within a single county or a few counties in the state.  In addition, all purely social gatherings are limited to 10 individuals.  The limitation does not apply to any activity, business, or entity that has been deemed essential, such as religious services, weddings, or group meetings, conferences, or other special events held for essential businesses and operations.  Consult your local health department for more details.  

Investigation to date indicates that cases are associated with travel, group events including family gatherings, cases at K-12 and higher education centers, and cases with no other risk factor, which can be an indicator of active community spread.  The Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is monitoring multiple outbreaks among facilities in Ohio County. 

Ohio County and Ohio Valley residents are advised to limit public contact, implement social distancing, work at home where possible, wear a face-covering when out in public, indoors, or at work, wash your hands frequently, and contact your personal physician if you become ill with fever, cough, or difficulty breathing. 

The Wheeling-Ohio County Health Department is reminding Ohio Valley residents that if you are tested for COVID-19 that you are to remain in home isolation until you receive negative test results.  Individuals who test positive will be contacted by a county health department and receive further instructions in regard to care and monitoring. 

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