“All that looting and rioting. They should be ashamed of themselves. I saw on CNN …”

Imma stop you right there. Your first mistake was watching CNN. Your second mistake was believing what it was showing you. Your final mistake was not checking any other source to see if what CNN was showing you was true.

And before the liberals want to smack me and conservatives reach for that high five, that also goes for Fox News. MSNBC, I’m looking at you, too.

The problem is network news is no longer objective. You can’t turn on the news and have someone report what happened without their, or more to the point, the opinion of the station and its sponsors being infused in the reporting. This means that if you’re watching Fox, trust and believe the reporting is going to make the liberal side bad and the conservative side good. CNN will do the opposite; liberal side is awesome, and the conservatives are hanging with Satan. Neither of which is true. Neither side has a monopoly on good or evil. Both sides have plenty of both depending on the story and depending on the day. But mainstream media doesn’t want you to know that. It’s in their best interest to keep us watching and divided. I am here to tell you that there are alternatives.

No, seriously. There are. Keep reading.

A line of police officers.
There are better sources online than there are on cable television.

Go Here Instead

The next time we “riot”, and there will be a next time, don’t watch it on CNN, Fox, MSNBC or any other mainstream news channel. You read correctly, do not watch the regular news.

Jump on Twitter. Log onto YouTube. Join Periscope. Once you do, you’ll find hundreds if not thousands of streams from protests around the country and the world.

You’ll also see the truth unfold in front of your eyes.

You see, these streamers aren’t connected with the huge media outlets. For the most part, they don’t have political agendas. They want the craziness to end. The violence to stop. They are there to make a difference. But when the violence starts and things get ugly, they want to show that part too, if for no other reason, so we know who started it. And most of the time, it’s not who CNN or Fox News blames. They choose whichever side fits their agenda. Citizen vloggers show the truth.

However …

That’s not to say that some of those vloggers don’t have agendas. Because obviously they do. However, if you watch enough vloggers and enough streams you generally get a pretty good idea of what’s going on at the protest at the time. You will come out of watching the stream with a better understanding as to who’s causing the trouble and who’s actually there to protest inequality or the issue of the day. You won’t get that from CNN and MSNBC or any of the other mainstream media sites. Because like I said before, they have agendas and people they have to appease and therefore that’s how their reporting is going to skew.

So, the next time we’re protesting, and sadly there will be a next time, skip the mainstream media and look to the citizen vloggers. You’ll learn more. And you won’t lose so many IQ points in the process.