The 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic has provoked positive change.

Huh? Positive change? How. Is. That. Possible.

Well, after losing more than half percent of his business, Dave Comack created 20,000 positive changes to the menu featured at Tacoholix in downtown Wheeling.

Comack opened the eatery three years ago, but when COVID-19 came into play, he was forced to close his doors to inside dining and depend only on take-out lunch and dinner services.

“It was horrible at first after the restriction on dine-in was put into effect, and our business was only about 35 percent of what we were seeing before it,” the proprietor said. “For a business like this, it was difficult to stay open with that big of a difference. We were doing everything and anything we could think of it to increase the lunch orders and the go-home orders at the end of the workday.

“We had a lot of people tell us that if there was anything they could do help. We really did hear that a lot,” he said. “But those two months when people were not allowed to come inside really put us behind on our expense. We needed about $6,000, so we put up the GoFundMe and explained to people what was going on.”

A man in a trailer.
Dave Comack opened Tacoholix three years ago in downtown Wheeling, and he remains open thanks to the Wheeling community.

An Incredible Response

He laid it all out on the web page as far as the pandemic-induced struggles at Tacoholix, but Comack did not know what to expect from the online effort. What he witnessed, though, amazed him.

“In fewer than 30 hours, we were funded,” Comack said with a smile. “It’s just an unbelievable story about a community coming together to really support a small business.

“We really didn’t know what to expect after we put it up on the Internet, but it was truly incredible,” he said. “That support is why we are still here, and trust me, everyone here at Tacoholix is very appreciative.”

Once restrictions were relaxed by W.Va. Gov. Jim Justice, Comack reopened after implementing the mandated precautions for social distancing, occupancy limitations, and face coverings.

“Since our customers were allowed to come back into the restaurant, business has been good with steady signs that we are climbing back to where we before Covid,” he reported. “We are almost at 80 percent and to be that close to being all the way back with this going on is a win for us.

“That’s because at that level we can keep the lights on, keep the employees paid, and it allows us to keep doing what we love to do,” Comack said. “And it’s great to see and talk with our customers again. For me, that’s one of the best parts of this business.”

A photo of tacos.
Comack now offers a menu that allows customers to choose from 20,000 options.

New Life, New Menu

When patrons have re-entered the restaurant at 1062 Market St., they discovered that Tacoholix was offering brand new menu options.

Again, 20,000 of them.

“I thought it was time to take all of the feedback we received into consideration, “Comack explained. “We’ve been here now for three years, and we have a very loyal customer base, so when they have told us that they have ideas, we’ve listened to them. So, that’s what we did. We took all the feedback and made some changes to the menu.

“The comments came from both critics and fans of this place, and they have told us what they have liked, not liked, and what they wanted to see in the future,” he continued. “So, the new menu was a way to give people more of what they wanted. Like every other business, we had to start looking at things differently because of the situation we were put in.”

The best part?

“The changes that were made have been beneficial for us, and the new menu has been received really well,” Comack said. “Now, the old menu was great, but sometimes it caused some dissonance, and it seemed to make some people uncomfortable.

“We wanted a menu that makes everyone comfortable and one where they can find something on it that they will enjoy,” he added. “We have over 20,000 combinations for our customers to chose from now. If you can’t find something that you like, I’m not sure I’m going to be able to make you happy with a taco.”