–The entertainment industry and the world lost an icon with the passing of Sir Sean Connery on Oct. 30 at the age of 90. Although he appeared in more than 60 films during his career, he is best remembered for his portrayal of James Bond, author Ian Fleming’s famous 007 British secret agent. Connery starred in seven James Bond films: “Dr No” (1962), “From Russia with Love” (1963), “Goldfinger” (1964),  “Thunderball” (1965), “You Only Live Twice” (1967), “Diamonds are Forever” (1971), and “Never Say Never Again” (1983). Connery also won an Academy Award in 1988 for his portrayal of Jim Malone in “The Untouchables,” and he teamed up with Harrison Ford in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.” Although I have seen and enjoyed all of the aforementioned films, my favorite is “Finding Forrester,” the story of the relationship that develops between a young African American student and an eccentric, reclusive, and brilliant author. Anyone interested in writing should make this film a must-see. But although some other actors starred in Bond films, nobody could deliver the following three words like Connery: “Bond. James Bond.”

College Football

–Well, COVID-19 continued it assault on the Big 10 this past week as Wisconsin had to cancel its second game in as many weeks. The school shut down all football operations for a week after 27 players and staff members tested positive for the virus. It remains to be seen just how this will play out for the rest of the Badgers’ season because the games they have missed cannot be made up. Before the virus hit them, they were ranked ninth in the nation.


–Trump’s behavior in the wake of Biden’s win in the election has been embarrassing, disgraceful, unconscionable, and sadly predictable. Don’t expect any gracious concession speech because “gracious” and “concession” are not in Trump’s vocabulary. During one of his lie-infested rants on television, the major networks actually cut away from him and refused to air any more of his vindictive venom.  

–Have you ever thought of how much agony, tension, and gnashing of teeth would be spared if we did away with the electoral college in presidential elections? Just let the people vote, count the results, and declare a winner. Short and sweet! Just saying.


–I’m growing quite weary of seeing that ball with all its protrusions that is a picture of COVID-19.


COVID-19 is absolutely raging around the world, and the rate of infection in the United States is simply horrifying. AND YOU STILL SEE PEOPLE REFUSING TO WEAR A MASK IN STORES. GET A DAMN CLUE AND PUT ON A MASK!

Ponder This

“If one synchronized swimmer drowns, do all the rest have to drown too?” –Stephen Wright