Governor Justice:

Just stop.

We all know it’s a wonderful thing when the state of West Virginia is mentioned in the national news for something positive instead of mining disasters and poll rankings, but you have played this vaccine rollout storyline to the extent that you may soon get laughed at. No, not because of your “Big Jim” nickname or for your vernacular.

Because, well, it’s not true’ and people are angry. The moment on Wednesday when you announced people 50 and older can now get vaccinated, people in their 70s and 80s started screaming, “WHAT ABOUT ME!?”

That is 100 percent on you, Governor. You have allowed thousands of older West Virginians to believe they have been forgotten during the vaccination process, and they are infuriated. But you said it for another headline that will allow people across the country to believe that our state is two brackets ahead of the other 49 states, and that is simply not true.

Here’s a question for you, Governor. What if enough West Virginians begin writing similar letters to this one but send them to the national media? What takes place when those news outlets started asking you a question about the real pace of inoculation? Will you chastise them the same way you have the Charleston Gazette-Mail? If so, that’s probably not going to work out well for you.

You quote your father often when speaking to the public, so we feel we need to ask you just this: Did Dad ever say, “The truth will set you free”?


Annoyed and Still Vulnerable

P.S. Your plan to repeal the state income tax reveals you have never financially struggled a day in your life. Shame on you.