(Writer’s Note: With the majority of COVID restrictions already expired, or soon to, many families will be looking to finally get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors again. Fun and free will seek to highlight a number of great options throughout the Upper Ohio Valley where all, or at minimum most, of the amenities are free to use.)

Nestled in Western Belmont County, Memorial Park in Barnesville offers a wide assortment of family-friendly recreational amenities, many of which can be enjoyed without spending a dime.

From tennis and basketball courts to softball and baseball fields, those looking to partake in some practice or perhaps participate in a pick-up game have ample options. The same can be said for the nearby tennis courts and all the athletic fields are lighted for use after the suns starts going down.

Down over the hill from the main athletic complex you will find the teeball fields for the younger generation of ballplayers.

But there’s more to Memorial Park than just sports.

Families looking to provide their children a chance to have fun whilst burning off some energy, Memorial Park features the popular Amazing Playground. The playground received an upgrade recently, replacing the primary wooden-style structures with a more modern feel. There are still numerous options for play and exploration for various ages.

For the wee ones still a bit small for the main playground, there are a couple of options for them to enjoy as well, with both featuring older-style ride-on playground equipment, as well as benches for parents to sit upon to relax.

Other Amenities

Those who enjoy fishing can take advantage of Memorial Park’s 12-acre lake. All that’s required is obtaining an Ohio fishing license, a line, a pole, and some bait. There is a road and parking that lead down to the lake.

You can also take the two mile Ray Palmer hiking trail that runs through some of the more forested areas of Memorial Park and provides a great respite while taking the scenery.

The park features a gazebo, just up the hill from an outdoor amphitheater with multiple rows of bench seating.

Want to take a break and enjoy a picnic? Memorial Park has a number of open-air picnic shelters to take a load off and grab a bite. They are all available for rent for private parties and outings, but otherwise, plop down on a bench, dig in, and strike up a conversation with other park goers while you at. Just don’t forget to use the trash cans.

Non-free Amenities

While not free, the Memorial Park pool is a huge hit and opens this weekend for the Memorial Day holiday. It’s noon to 6 p.m. Monday through Saturday and 1-6 p.m. on Sundays. Admission is $3 for kids under 18 and $4 for adults, though season passes are available.

The pool is Olympic sized and features a low-dive diving board and a recently installed drop slide that pool attendees have taken a liking too. There is also a zero depth entry and splash pad for the young ones.

There are small cabin rentals available, as well as enclosed shelters and buildings like the Mothers’ Club and the youth center that can be rented for a fee.