Seven 10s !!!!

I haven’t been following the Olympic Games that closely, but the other day my daughter called my attention to one of the most amazing performances I’ve ever seen in any sport.

If you’re like me, you probably never before have heard the name Quan Hongchan, but trust me when I tell you that you’ll be hearing her name quite often in connection with the current Olympic Games. She’s only 14 years old, but all she did was win a gold medal in the women’s 10-meter platform diving competition. And on her way to doing so, she blew the former Olympic record out of the water with hardly a splash.

Seven judges score each dive on a scale of one to 10 (perfect), and receiving a 10 doesn’t occur very often. Well, all Hongchan did was nail seven 10s on two of her last three dives and hit six 10s and a 9.5 (This judge must have needed glasses!) for her final total of 466.20 on her way to obliterating the former record of 447.70.

Take a few minutes and watch the video from the link below. Then go to your local swimming pool and try a few of her dives. Oh, by the way, good luck!

That Cheap?

“Fifteen cents! A nickel and a dime! At Burger Chef you eat better every time!”

The words to that jingle have been running through my head ever since Hardee’s permanently closed its doors last week. Way back in 1969, when I accepted a teaching position at what then was Linsly Military Institute (now the Linsly School), my duties included serving as a housemaster in Merriman Hall, the grade school dormitory.

The dorm held about 30 boys if my memory serves me correctly, and many of them would go home on the weekends. The handful that were left, however, visited Burger Chef several times from Friday through Sunday. It was just a pleasant stroll along Leatherwood Lane to and across National Road. And yes they really could purchase a burger and some fries for15 cents.

I’m not sure when Burger Chef arrived in Wheeling, but I read somewhere that burgers had been flipped at the current Hardee’s location since 1962. If that’s accurate, that’s a hell of a lot of beef.

Please Do It!

I know you are tired of hearing this and reading about it, but it’s still a very important, burning issue right now. Please take the time and make the effort to get vaccinated. Unless you have some underlying medical reason that’s prevents you from doing so, there is no reason you shouldn’t just do it. Some places already are imposing mask mandates, including such rules for many schools. We don’t want to go back there again. Remember how miserable it was having to wear a mask even in your own house with your own family members. We don’t want to go back there again. Remember how high school students missed their senior proms and missed their own graduations. We don’t want to go back there again. Just bite the damn bullet and get a vaccination. Thank you!

A Good One!

If you enjoy reading, there’s a new thriller that’s a winner. The title is The President’s Daughter, and it was written by James Patterson and Bill Clinton. Yes, you read that correctly. Of course Patterson is one of the most prolific writers alive, and Bill Clinton, who should need no introduction, was the father to a daughter while he was in the White House.

This book deals with the kidnapping of a former U.S. president by a terrorist whose family was wiped out during a bombing raid ordered by the former president. The authors effectively create suspense by constantly changing the point of view throughout the novel.

Consistently entertaining from beginning to end, The President’s Daughter should be on the various bestseller lists for quite some time. As far as thrillers go, it’s definitely a good one.

Ponder This:

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.      

                                                    ~Albert Einstein