Dear Adopted:

You, too? Yeah, we, as well. We believe we should all thank The Lord for those who decided to bring us into their families and treat us as their own. We have heard it our entire lives – “We’re the lucky ones because we were chosen.” – and there is a lot of truth to it. Some believe blood makes family, but that is false on its face as we all know.

Once there was a stigma attached to being adopted, though, because someone had decided to abandon you and leave you alone to face the world without parental guidance and without love. Some even told us we would be “step-kids” until our “fake” mothers and fathers tired of us because “they didn’t really own us.”

The mean kids told us we were going to be “given back” and would have to live in a lonely place that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny never visited. Those naturally born brats believed they were superior to us, and in far too many cases, most of us believed them. We doubted our worth.

Through the years we have learned so much more, and that has allowed some of us to find a parent and find out why he or she made the decision they did. Some have been able to avoid health issues because of shared history, and others have just appreciated knowing their native status.

The grade-school bullies were wrong.


The Chosen