The 896 National Road location in Bridgeport has been home to one pizza shop or another for decades. Last October, the current occupant, Sha Nay Nay’s Pizza, passed its eight-year anniversary, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

Why does this shop have staying power? If you ask this writer, it’s quality food, quality service, and a variety of items.

Sha Nay Nay’s does feature pizza. After all, it’s in the eatery’s name. But what sets it apart is not only does it feature both square and round pizza options to meet the demands of your two warring Ohio Valley pizza lover camps, but the menu also features wings, pepperoni rolls, subs, and even vegan options.

I’ve hit up Sha Nay Nay’s multiple times in the past and was never disappointed. Given payday is six days away and someone’s wallet (both real-world and digital) is feeling a wee bit light, we’re dipping into the food archives.

In short, I procrastinate like it’s my job. I may have mentioned that once or twice. But, in situations like this, it comes in handy as I’ve had a review I’d been meaning to write, but I hadn’t gotten around to it.

Well, this is me. Getting around to it.

I’ve tried a number of options here throughout the last couple of years, from the two-tray square pizza special to swinging through to pick up a couple of orders of wings to tear through once I got home. I’ve even seen how other people react to ordering Sha Nay Nay’s.

Back when my daughter attended what was then St. John Central Elementary School in Bellaire, I’d work the concession stand during the girls’ basketball games while my daughter served as a ball girl under the legendary Bubba Kapral.

The fans in attendance, both home and away, immediately perked up upon hearing Sha Nay Nay’s pizza rolls were available. Did I happen to sample one or two each shift? Absolutely. Did I pay for the said sample? Also, yes.

The Food

While I do love pizza, I am at heart, a wing guy. The best thing to do when you’re a wing buyer and checking out a new establishment’s flavors is to try a few of them. Get one order of your favorite flavor, and one of something new. Expand your taste buds and branch out from the norm. And yes, I’m fully aware I’m the same guy who orders chicken, rice, and fried dumplings at nearly every restaurant.

Anyway, back to the wings. I like heat, but I also like a little spicy kick. So, I opted for the Mango Habanero and the Cajun Sassy wings. Both were amazing. The sassy wings, if I’d have eaten a little slower, likely wouldn’t have required multiple napkins. That wasn’t the case, however. Eating fast, coupled with an ample beard led to quite a spectacle when I glanced in the mirror.

Undeterred, I continued. The mango habanero wings were also quite delicious and had just enough heat to go with the sweet. My heat palette is a bit different from most people’s, so these had the perfect amount of kick.

The square pizza is a solid Ohio Valley offering with plenty of cheese and pepperoni. I never did get around to trying the meat pizza, so that’ll have to be on the to-do list.

If you check, you will find daily specials, including those to entice football fans ready to feast and watch the opening round of the NFL postseason this weekend.