There is never a shortage of scams or scammers.  Unfortunately, there are also a lot of potential scammees. Here are some scams that are making the rounds. 

  • WVU posted on their Facebook page that spoofing call attempts have increased (posted June 15, 2022) with local residents reporting calls from 304-598-4000 and 304-598-6000 (numbers within *the WVU* organization) and, at times, being subjected to aggressive and threatening language.”  WVU Hospitals reports that they are investigating the reports and working with authorities.  They warn consumers to hang up immediately if they receive a questionable call.  Do NOT disclose any information!
  • Don’t believe everything you see.  The Better Business Bureau warns that ‘deepfake’ technology is enabling scammers to con unsuspecting consumers.  A video featuring “Elon Musk” urges consumers to invest in cryptocurrency.  It looks like Elon Musk.  It sounds like Elon Musk.  He’s talking about something that you’d identify with Elon Musk.  But – it’s NOT Elon Musk.  You need to understand how deepfake technology works.  This type of technology takes video clips and photos of someone and uses the images to create new videos and audio clips.  The Better Business Bureau offers tips on protecting yourself from deepfake scams.  You might have seen the Simon Cowell deepfake moment on America’s Got Talent on June 14.  It looks amazingly real.
  • We got a Final Notice in the mail this month. We were being notified that we could be financially liable for all repairs if our factory warranty has expired.  We were given the opportunity to protect our vehicle – a 2017 Ford F-250 Super Duty.  That is not the vehicle that sits in my driveway.  Pay attention to the small print.  If you are going to get an extended warranty, talk to someone reputable.

Veterans are often the targets of scams.  There are a lot of programs through the Veterans Administration and there are a lot of veterans.  Here are a few of the scams that veterans need to watch.

  • Charging for military records.  Most of the time there is no charge for a veteran’s records although if a veterans is requesting duplicate records, there may be a charge.  Find out how to request your military records before you pay anyone to obtain the documents.

Summertime!!!   And the living is easy…  Unless you get scammed.

  • Beware of the fake vacation.  Maybe you get a call saying you’ve won a vacation.  Lucky you!  Or are you?  Are they asking for fees and taxes up front?  You usually don’t have to pay up front for a ‘free prize’.  Find out who is awarding the prize.
  • Rental listing scams take your reservation and your money but there is no unit available. Scammers may hijack a legitimate list.  When you show up, you have no booking.  Or – there may be no unit at all.


  • Be alert to things that are too good to be true. 
  • Take your time in making a decision. 
  • Do your homework.
  • Ask questions.
  • Do not give personal information.

Stay safe