The City of Wheeling has made a $10,000 contribution to the Wheeling YMCA’s J.B. Chambers All-Inclusive Playground project. City officials joined YMCA personnel this morning for a check presentation.

“The YMCA, its facilities and staff are valuable resources to the residents of the City of Wheeling and Ohio County. I am pleased that the City is able to contribute to the ongoing needs of the ‘Y’ so the project continues moving forward for the betterment of the community,” said Ward 6 Councilor Dave Palmer.

J.B. Chambers All-Inclusive Playground project encompasses the playground itself, a pavilion, and an outdoor classroom. The one-of-a-kind playground provides a barrier-free area to all children and adults, of all abilities. It is a place to bring individuals together to help develop and strengthen essential skills for life as they learn to play together in an unstructured, inclusive environment.

 “The Wheeling YMCA is very grateful to the City of Wheeling for such a generous donation to our All-Inclusive Playground project. This playground has served so many youth in Wheeling that have never been able to participate with their peers in playground activities,” said YMCA Executive Director Adam Shinsky. “We also recognize the City of Wheeling for all their contributions and work on all of the wonderful playgrounds in Wheeling.”