By Justin Zimmerman, Linsly Head of School

An investment in a Linsly education may be the greatest gift you ever give your child. Benjamin Franklin reminded us: “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.”

As head of school at The Linsly School in Wheeling, I’m frequently asked why parents should consider sending their son or daughter to a private school.  

The question they’re usually wrestling with is: “Is a private school really worth the cost?”  However, as one current Linsly parent recently stated, “How can I NOT afford to send my child to Linsly?” 

Based on what I have learned from hundreds of families who’ve sent generations of students to Linsly, a Linsly education has made a significant impact on their lives.  It’s more than math scores and report cards. It’s about preparing young men and women to become successful, productive adults. 

Here are some reasons I share with parents about the benefits of a private school:

  1. Class sizes are smaller than in public school, where student-teacher ratios are often 25 or 30-1, making it difficult for students to get individual attention.  At Linsly, the average class size is 13 students, so your son or daughter can develop his or her interests and a love of learning. 
  2. Our teachers are highly qualified and dedicated to the success of their students.  Teacher quality is an overwhelming reason parents send their sons and daughters to private schools. Your child is known as an individual. Many public school teachers at large schools can teach more than 200 students a day, teaching the same subject seven periods in a row. A typical teacher at Linsly will only have 65-70 students per year which allows them to get to know each student as an individual.
  1. Linsly is dedicated to creating a community environment where students feel safe and comfortable and become passionate about learning.  It’s more than “teaching to the test.” Our teachers are not bound by content contained in state mandated assessments, and this freedom gives our teachers opportunities to engage students in a variety of ways to learn important knowledge and skills that we know are important for their success. Learning also extends beyond the classroom. We create ways for students to come together in non-academic settings and build personal relationships with teachers and fellow students. 
  2. At Linsly, your child will be surrounded by other motivated students who plan to attend college. With a 100 percent college matriculation rate, the question is not: Who is going to college, but rather where are they going to college?
  3. Many Linsly graduates have gone on to become accomplished adults, and they stay loyal and connected to Linsly.  The strong alumni network can lead to many opportunities for students in the future.
  4. Linsly represents the highest quality education options available. Each student starts the school year with well-defined goals for academic achievement. An investment in private education enables the family to prioritize their child’s development and customize their education experience.
  5. Linsly students come from 24 countries and 9 states, which allows students to interact with and learn about students from different cultures and traditions. In our global society, no other school in the Ohio Valley will prepare students like Linsly. 

Linsly, and other outstanding private schools, can create an environment where your child can develop intellectually, emotionally, and socially.  I’m personally and professionally committed to the idea that our most important job as parents is to provide the best possible education for our children. 

Many alumni and friends are so passionate about the Linsly experience, they have committed named scholarships to provide financial aid dollars to qualified students. The Malone, DiOrio, and Bodkin Scholarships are just a few of the many need-based merit scholarships Linsly offers to help families afford Linsly. Approximatly 60 percent of our student body qualifies for need-based financial aid and we strive to meet the need of every qualified student. 

If you’d like to learn more about how The Linsly School provides a world-class middle and high school college-prep education, please visit our website at or contact RJ Zitzelsberger, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid, at 304-233-1436.

We’d love to share how a Linsly education is special and how it can be affordable.