
See? Look at all that business up there that was conducted during the regular Council Meeting on the 23rd of April. That’s our money in motion and thanks to the video stream on the city’s Facebook page, we get to witness you and your votes, but we do not get to see when one of us – the members of the city’s citizenry – when someone expresses praise for performance, opposition to a proposal, or criticisms of whatever kinds.

For example, council members, we did not hear the comments made by resident Carlee Ditmar or witness the early exit made by Councilman Ben Seidler, and it puzzles us why the video broadcasts are ended before the final agenda item is completed.

Ya know …


So, that is why we are taking this opportunity to request each of you to please consider adding the rest of the regular meetings – all the way to adjournment – to the broadcast stream so we, the residents (the ones who care enough to attend and/or watch meetings in the first place) have the chance to judge the statements made, the opinions offered, and the actions taken for ourselves.


Your Employer