Dear Mothers and Fathers of the Upper Ohio Valley:

Think we did well enough? Think they’ll ever want to come back? Ya know, after college? To live and not just visit? After they see the rest of the world … or at least, something different than their hometown communities where they’ve been trapped since their father’s 10-year high school alumni weekend?

Or did we promote career tech well enough so some will choose the local trades and stay close to home instead of fleeing the Upper Ohio Valley like so many of our young people have in the past? Did we finally reverse the image of local labor even though conservative lawmakers have continued to unwisely attack?

Did local governments give them hope for the future? Did that old building on the corner finally come down? Have the roadways been paved? Are jobs coming for them and for their brothers and sisters, too?

Is there opportunity? Because, after all, they are our future, and every year we cannot answer these questions with affirmative replies, we’re surrendering that future. Again, and again.


Lonely Along the River