Mike McCoy Seeks Seat on Glen Dale City Council

Long-time Glen Dale resident Mike McCoy has officially announced his candidacy for city council of Glen Dale.

Originally from Parkersburg, he moved to Glen Dale in 2003 when he started the Mike McCoy State Farm Insurance Agency in Moundsville.

McCoy said that the city has not lived up to its full potential and is in need of change.

“Glen Dale is a great place to live, work and raise a family, but we can do better,” McCoy said. “For too long, the same people with the same old ideas have been in charge. We need a fresh approach to move the city boldly into the 21st century.”

He said that transparency and accountability are two main themes of his campaign.

“I believe the Glen Dale city government should be more open and transparent,” he said. “And I will make that a top priority when elected, along with a greater oversight of city finances.”

Prior to a joining the insurance and financial services industry, and after a standout career as a fullback at Marshall University, McCoy spent 13 years as a college football coach at various levels, including stints at Marshall, Rutgers, and the U.S. Naval Academy.

“Coaching football was great fun, but a coach’s leadership skills can be applied to so much more than just a game or athletic competition,” he said. “Good coaches, and a winning attitude, can help lead to greater success in any endeavor.”

McCoy has also held leadership roles for local organizations and in the military. He currently serves on the City of Glen Dale’s Sanitary Board and is a member of the board of directors of WVU Medicine Reynolds Memorial Hospital. In addition, he served as president of the Moundsville Rotary Club and is a retired U.S. Naval officer.

“I’ve been actively involved for many years, but I’m still relatively young,” McCoy said. “I have the energy and stamina needed to serve the citizens at the high level they deserve, and the new ideas and new direction needed to move Glen Dale forward.”

Residents of Glen Dale will choose their councilpersons in the May 14th primary election.

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