Moundsville Voters:

It does NOT cost the City of Moundsville a dime for you to exercise your right to vote for or against the OVRTA Bus Levy come November.

Not a DIME. It’s 100 percent FREE.

The City of Moundsville must pay its fair share for the poll workers, but if your City Council votes to allow you to voice your opinion using your freedom of speech on November 5th, it will cost Moundsville taxpayers NOTHING.

Not a DIME. It’s 100 percent FREE.

This letter is not intended to sway your vote on the Bus Levy in November, but instead this correspondence to Moundsville residents is to correct misinformation that has been spread through the city over the past few weeks. That’s because council members will cast its final of three votes on June 18th, and your freedom of speech is at stake.

Remember TWO things: 1) Placing the OVTRA Bus Levy on the Moundsville ballot on November 5th is 100 percent FREE, and; 2) Our right to vote and your freedom of speech are priceless.


We The People