An OPEN LETTER to Employers of Essential Workers …

You know it now, don’t you?

You know your paycheck wouldn’t be possible without the grunts. The people you barely pay. The men and women without health benefits because you choose to utilize every loophole possible so you don’t have to provide anything more than a buck or two above minimum wage (if that).

But you know it now, don’t you?

You now are well aware of the differences in the definitions between “grunt” and “essential.”

But …

What remains to be seen is if such a realization will make a difference in the future. Will those raises stick? Will others receive more, too? Some companies have reacted by implementing wage increases for some grocery cashiers, many in the medical field, and a few at gas stations and truck stops, but how the “essential” are valued by you in the future is going dictate motivation within a young workforce that already despises regular schedules, shift work, and insulting compensation.

Whatever the new normal is going to matter. Critical and respectful decisions are going to matter.


The Grunts