Let’s just say there were days when it was almost impossible to find a good vein.

There was pain and then pills and more pills and more pills. And then there were no pills, but still addiction, and that hurt. So, then, street pills bought with ill-gotten money. And then she went to heroin because it was cheaper … in the beginning that is, but then it got just as expensive because you’re forever chasing a very real dragon.

That was more than 10 years ago. Amy (Blon) Jackson now is a mother, a wife, and a TikTok superstar. She’s so big on the social platform she has nearly a half-million followers, and she adores every moment of this new life she’s creating despite every metric calculating against her.

There is that one thing, though, that could threaten her content creator career, and that’s politics. Several GOP members in West Virginia and Ohio have sponsored legislation that bans the installation of the TikTok app on state-owned cellular devices, and the concern is centered on the platform’s Chinese ownership.

Are they collecting our information to use against us? Against our country? Are the Chinese forever siphoning secrets from the unsuspecting? Do we need protected from our own ignorance? From our own naivety?

Some say yes while others say no. What does @amyjackson9213 say? She just wants to talk with other mothers with the same Mom problems.

A photo of a family.
Jackson struggled with motherhood during her addiction more than a decade ago.

What do you remember heroin feeling like?

Heroin felt like pure heaven. At least those first times. It was a warmth that overtook your entire body. And everything bad just washed away. And for a little bit, everything was right in the world. 

Did anyone refuse your apology?

Surprisingly no. Everyone accepted my apology, but I wouldn’t blame them, honestly, if they did. But everyone was forgiving once they saw I took my sobriety seriously. 

A woman and her guy.
Amy and her husband, Chris, are both clean and living a much happier life.

How were you introduced to TikTok?

It was a little before the pandemic. My oldest daughter had made me an account, but I never used it. Then I slowly started posting some things just to have some people to talk to. 

Then quarantine hit and it became an opening to the outside world again. I shared my struggles as a mom and found a community of people that related to me. 

What is your job title and what are your official duties?

I guess officially my job title would be advertising. I don’t know for sure. 

And I make ads for different apps and mobile games. 

His main page on TikTok.
Her TikTok account has become very popular over the last few years.

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I actually achieved what I’ve always wanted! I always wanted to get some of the social media ‘fame’ to where I could fully support my family from it! And it is a pretty amazing opportunity