There’s a reason why your comments vanish from social media, and it’s a solid wager most of the people who choose to type such swill already know why. Another sure-thing bet is that some even giggle when it takes place, and the same people belly laugh when they get blocked.

Just in case, though, here is a smattering of reasons why those comments are deleted:

  • You were not there;
  • You are not the person involved;
  • You would never say what you type about someone to their face;
  • You belittle others who do not agree with your political stance instead of engaging in a mature debate;
  • You type hateful statements trying to hurt someone’s feelings;
  • You resort to false information to make a point and when corrected, you attack instead of learning, and;
  • You forget you make mistakes, too.

Online bullying has caused some to deactivate their Facebook accounts and trash Twitter because the harassment isn’t worth the reconnections procured using social media. Seriously, who really has time for such childish behavior from anyone other than a child?

In some cases, though, the petty persecution of someone online has resulted in the prosecution of the guilty, gutless bullies.

Now, if you are the second coming of The Lord’s Son, prove it. The world is in dire need of a hunger solution, so go head and feed the multitude as Jesus Christ miraculously did in the Gospel of John. Otherwise, wipe off your Cheetos-stained fingers, put on some pants, and move out of your mother’s basement.


People with Compassion