You’ve caused a lot of people to struggle during your tenure here in Wheeling, and during those 13 years you drove far too many from the Church while abusing your carte blache bishopness to live a lifestyle far, far removed from 99.9 percent of your former congregation.

We’re mad and we’re hurt; we feel violated by a thief; and many will not be satisfied until seeing you wearing blaze orange in a mugshot then witnessing a “perp walk” into the courthouse.

The truth is the truth whether or not you approve, and it’s been apparent you do not. Since your removal (because we now know you got tossed a couple of weeks before your formal retirement), you have offered nothing but denials despite the proven, overwhelming evidence produced by lay investigators, and the Vatican even issued punishments you must obey based on those findings.

Do us, here in West Virginia, a favor and just get it done and cause no more struggle and anger and disappointment in our Faith. Pope Francis requested our new Bishop Mark Brennan to deliver a very forgiving penance, so take what you’re allowed to retain, pay us back (because we all know you have it), and go away. Forget about us because, please know, we’re making extreme efforts to forget about you.


While it’s impossible for your legacy to digress from where it is today, you have to know you’ve taken enough from Catholicism in West Virginia.

Don’t you dare take more with further denials. Just shush up. It’s called, “No comment.”

Settle up and then fade away, Michael.


The Catholic Community of West Virginia

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