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An OPEN LETTER … to All Voters in the Upper Ohio Valley


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Early voting has begun in the state of Ohio, and this coming Wednesday the same will be true in the Mountain State. In 18 days, the majority of us will go to the polls to cast ballots on federal, state, and local levels, but no matter what, most Americans will remain silent across the country.

That is because, on average, only half of United States residents eligible to vote register to do so, and usually about half of registered voters exercise their right. This year, however, political experts expect a high number of Americans to cast votes because of the national focus on the race for president between the Republican incumbent (Donald Trump) and the Democratic challenger (former senator and vice president) Joe Biden.

But there are many more decisions for local voters to make in every county in East Ohio and throughout the Northern Panhandle. County commissioners, judges, congressional members, a governor, auditors, assessors, state lawmakers,

In other words, we have a lot of choices to make.

So, we wanted to remind you of something that is not “Fake News” no matter how many Americans wish to insist it is because they are dedicated to one political party or the other.

Anyone can have a good idea, and it doesn’t matter if he or she is a Republican or a Democrat.


Independent Voters

The Most Important Party in America

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Steve Novotney
Steve Novotney
Steve Novotney has been a professional journalist for 33 years, working in print for weekly, daily, and bi-weekly publications, writing for a number of regional and national magazines, host baseball-related talks shows on Pittsburgh’s ESPN, and as a daily, all-topics talk show host in the Wheeling and Steubenville markets since 2004. Novotney is the co-owner, editor, and co-publisher of LEDE News, and is the host of “Novotney Now,” a daily program that airs Monday-Friday from 3-6 p.m. on River Talk 100.1 & 100.9 FM.


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