Ms. Midler:

We all say stupid stuff. Each of us. We’re all guilty of it at some point in time.

However, Ma’am, you went for our collective heart. You attempted to hurt U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin but instead you attacked us. Ya know, the poor, the illiterate, and the strung out among the 1.7 million of us.

Sure, you attempted to pull it back not long after you tweeted your hate for the Mountain State by apologizing to “the good people” of West Virginia, but you failed to clarify if that sentiment was meant for all of us, including the poor, the illiterate, and the strung out.

Ms. Midler, each of our 50 states has poor folks, illiterate people, and drug users who have, unfortunately, become addicted to one substance or another. We wanted to make sure you realize those things because having $250 million in the bank at the age of 76 must allow for a pretty comfy lifestyle that allows you to depend only (obviously) on misguided stereotypes.

An image of a Twitter tweet.
Midler attempted to apologize for her crass tweet, but not many West Virginians accepted it.

If we did the same with you in mind, we would tweet things about how ridiculous the Covid numbers were in New York City during the first 6 months of the pandemic because you “self-righteous egotists believed you were above infection.”

But no, we didn’t do that. Instead, we prayed for the folks in the Big Apple.

That brings us to our point, Ms. Midler. This letter is not meant to be loaded with crass criticism about you and your ignorant social media correspondence. It is, instead, to thank you.

Thank me? For what!?!? 

We figure that’s likely what you may be asking yourself right now? 

Are these West Virginians just as crazed as the poor, the illiterate, and the strung-out ones are?

Maybe we are, and that’s because the individuals you shamed in your idiotic tweet are our friends or our family members. That is why this is a “Thank You” because, at the perfect time of year, you have reminded us about what is truly most important.

You see, Christmas is not about what was under the tree this morning but who wasn’t there to see a child’s joy; it doesn’t concern wishes expressed in a Christmas card but instead the words spoken by one loved one to another; and it’s not about presents but instead our presence.

Ms. Midler, the majority of people – in every state – struggle instead of being paid millions of dollars to portray those struggling like you have in so many of your films.

We hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and we pray you realize West Virginians are only human just as you are.


The Montani Semper Liberi Society


  1. Excellent reply to Bette Midler. I’m so tired of Hollywood thinking their opinion is the only right opinion! The people of WV have a right to elect whoever they want, and whether Democrat or Republican that person has a right to his/her own opinion and it doesn’t have to be Bette’s, or anyone else’s in Hollywood.

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