An OPEN LETTER to … Big Brothers Everywhere …

A sketch of a man.
Art by Bob Dombrowski

Dear Big Brothers:

We are so very thankful you’ve known your role and that you’ve taken it seriously because it’s very real and very necessary. Sure, you’ve been our protector and our mentor, but you’ve also been the Washington Monument of our sibling relationship.

What’s that mean?

Well, you are the founder and therefore, the foundation. You’ve laid the groundwork, paved the path, established the detours, set the rules, and tested the boundaries. You have paid the price, too, for the pushed-too-far agendas, but you’ve also softened the blows of parental punishment prior to our arrival, and for that we will forever be thankful.

You gave us the ride, bought the beer, provided the alibi, and made the excuse, and your advice always has resonated like the wisest words ever spoken. You’ve made the rain stop, the sun shine, the seas part, and all the problems vanish as if all big brothers waved a wonderous wand that righted the world.

That’s why we’ve always looked up to you even after growing taller because you were the model, the prototype, the example, the goal, and the superhero with superpowers.

So, thank you for always being what a big brother was supposed to be.


Those Perpetual Pains Knocking at Your Knees