An OPEN LETTER to … Bill Bryson from the Wheeling Christmas Parade …

A Santa Claus.
The Main Street Bank Fantasy in Lights Parade wii take place this Friday evening in Center Wheeling.

Mr. Bryson:

We wish to congratulate you on another parade success even though there were plenty of reasons for it not to be successful. The downtown streets were cruddy and the weather crappy, people complained about the new, shorter parade route, and the television broadcast was frustrating, to state the very least.

But you, sir, produced and directed an event with 85 different units and with the most sponsors in its history instead of listening to critics and surrendering to adversity. No matter the issues and technical shortcomings, people still waved at each other, parents still smiled with pride, the kids still saw Santa Claus light the Main Street Bank tree, and memories were still made.

And you still did it all for free. Like you have every year.

So, Mr. Bryson, we would like to strongly suggest to Wheeling Chamber President Kurt Zende, to his right-hand man Mike Howard, and to the Chamber’s Board that YOU, sir, be nominated for and selected as the Grand Marshal for the 2024 Main Street Bank Fantasy in Lights Parade.

So, if we have enough folks who agree and share this Open Letter, you will need to begin practicing your parade wave. Peak and trough. sir. Peak and trough. Repeat.


Those In the Know