Dear BOE Members:

The students in our high schools are not complaining about being tired because they’re not tired. Just trust that they ARE tired, and trust that it could be your fault.

They’re not getting in trouble at school for falling asleep because they’re mismanaging their time, they’re falling asleep in class because you could be mismanaging their time.

At least that’s what the science says, folks, and the American Academy of Pediatrics stated that it “recognizes insufficient sleep in adolescents as an important public health issue that significantly affects the health and safety, as well as the academic success, of our nation’s middle and high school students.

But hey, don’t take our word for it.…/134/3/642.short…/schools-start-too-early.html……/lets-change-school…

An example of success? Sure, here ya go ……/sleepless-no-more-in-seattle….

Tired students do not learn just like hungry kids don’t learn.

What’s funny is we all were teenagers once, and we were the same way they are today, and it has nothing to do with puberty or television or video games or the internet either. It’s the science, ladies and gentleman, and that’s what those smart folks are discussing when we hear terms like “Circadian Rhythm” and “Diurnal” and “Ultradian.”

Our only request is that you remember your mission, and that is to at least offer these high school kids the best possible opportunity to achieve success.


The Scientists of Sleep

(Art by Bob Dombrowski)