Administrators, Parents, Students, Taxpayers:
Let’s talk this thing out so it makes sense to everyone because, on the surface, this issue appears pretty simple: Teachers teach and students learn – when not distracted, that is – and a community’s children are the future, right?
So why is there a debate? What are the two sides being argued? If a student is not utilizing his or her cell phone as a tool to learn the educator’s lesson of the day, what purpose does the cell phone serve during instruction time? Because, again, teachers teach and students learn.
Many of us sit on the outside of this discussion because we’re not teachers, administrators, or staff members of a school system nor are we parents of current school kids, but we are taxpayers helping finance the public educational process who want the most bang for our millions of bucks.
So, let’s have a collective conversation without the “Us vs. Them” mentality so we can discover what’s best for the children while remembering how it’s supposed to work – teachers teach and students learn.
Can You Hear Us Now?
I think they should be allowed to have cell phones if they use them wisely. I got my child a cell phone for emergency to call home. If a student violates the rules restricted them. Not all students break rules so why punish them. Ty
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