Registered Voters in Moundsville:

You should be voting this Tuesday on whether or not you want OVTRA bus service in your city, but that opportunity was taken from you.

Your right to vote on such an option was stripped from you because four of seven Moundsville council members – David Wood, Gene Saunders, Randy Chamberlain, and Judy Hunt – voted NOT to place the busy levy on the November 5th ballot.

Now, Mr. Wood explained to his council colleagues back in May that he took a bus to Wheeling and back, and because he was the one and only passenger, he decided there was no need to give his constituents the chance to make up their own minds. Ms. Hunt said she changed her opinion at the last minute because she heard concerns from several residents, and Mr. Saunders and Mr. Chamberlain have not publicly revealed their reasons for taking from you any chance to exercise your right guaranteed by the 15th Amendment of the United State Constitution.

When the four councilors were asked by LEDE News via email to explain their respective votes, transparency was not granted, and sadly, silence prevailed.

Now that Marshall County election officials have caught and corrected their mistake concerning the Precinct 7 ballot and the Ward 1 Moundsville Council race, city residents are able to vote on races that will select four members, including two at-large positions, Ward 3, and the First Ward. Three of the four members – Hunt (1), Saunders (3), and Chamberlain (at-large) – who voted to take away the voting rights of Moundsville residents are running for re-election and do appear on the Moundsville ballot (unlike the bus levy).

As always, choose wisely.


The American Way