Dear “Daddies”:

There was a stereotype to follow once upon a time ago. The “father” went to work and provided for his family, and the mother made sure their children cleaned up and behaved during dinner. There were those kinds of fathers anchoring those kinds of American families that were scattered all over the United States, and prime time television featured them for the final 40 years of the last century.

But now there isn’t such a socially demanded standard and the traditional mommy-and-daddy model does not raise the baby as often anymore. Nope, these days, the Ward Cleavers and the Howard Cunninghams are now grandfathers, adoptive fathers, new husbands, wives, single moms pulling down double duty, and fosters because – more often than ever – sons and daughters have been left.

So, to all the mentors doing what they can to fill the role, Happy Father’s Day.  


The Children