An OPEN LETTER to … GOP Leadership in the W.Va. Legislature …

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Not all of you, but some members of your party have adopted initiatives that may make sense in their districts, but do not here in the state’s Northern Panhandle, so …

You are attacking labor. Stop it.

Not everyone is meant for college. We have learned that exact lesson in this country the past 20 years. Remember “No Child Left Behind”? Well, many were anyway, and they were saddled with student loan debt with nothing to show for those monthly payments. The trades, however, train and pay at the same time, and after four or five years, they get their card and make even a better living with health benefits and a guaranteed pension.

You are attacking teachers, too. Stop it.

Just reach out to the teachers in your respective districts and ask them about their past year. Ask them if they had a summer in 2020. Ask them about the balancing act between teaching virtually and teaching in-class during the same stretches of time. Ask them if they have worried about their students. Ask them why so many “welfare checks” on unaccounted-for students have been conducted … and ask why those checks were necessary. Ask them.

You’re attacking most of the state’s municipalities, as well. Stop it.

Here in Wheeling, the city is creating a new, long overdue police headquarters and also will construct a fire HQ thanks to a $2 per-week User Fee that has been collected from employees working within city limits since January 2020. Bonds have been sold and plans have been made, and you want to harm those efforts? What’s wrong with you? We need protected and served more than ever these days, and if you don’t realize that, perhaps the voters made a mistake in November.

But the most upsetting proposal under serious consideration in both the Senate and the House is an attack on private property rights via forced polling. This year’s term is “unitization,” but not even a five-syllable term can cover up the theft involved.

Wait. What? It doesn’t impact your district because fracking and pipelining doesn’t take place where you live? But your native county still receives the same amount of revenue each month as do the other counties with such activity, right? Yup.

So, just stop it. If a West Virginia property owner has refused to be a participant in the industries, why in the world would you force them? Money sways, huh?

Perhaps you should refresh your memory.

“Montani semper liberi.”

So, don’t destroy our freedoms.


Living Along Those Country Roads

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