We sometimes make fun of you when seeing one crew member digging and four others watching, and we cuss you when we hit potholes. When you patch the holes, we seldom express thanks, and most motorists disrespect roadway workers by not adhering to “work area” speed limits.
We’re an impatient people living in a selfish society, so all we want is a smooth ride without interruption. That’s why we blame you for every orange barrel we see.
But otherwise, we don’t think of you very often … that is, until we need you.
At those times, we crack zero jokes, we forget it’s “pothole season” in this region, and we praise your very existence. That’s because we realize you are willing to drive on the untreated roads we fear to make slick surfaces safe for us. Thank you for that.
Unfortunately, we’ll slip back into our collective “convenience-or-else” mindset once winter weather is no longer a threat, so we wanted to apologize for that now.
Hypocrites Anonymous