My Shelly:

We married before 9/11 and before the tragic death of Princess Di, and before cell phones could text, GPS could guide, before Heritage Port replaced the Wharf Garage, and when stick shifts were still pretty common cars.

It was even before the internet, too, and that means we’re older than virtual dirt.

But since, we’ve made our most cherished memories at the family picnics and those spring trainings, in the parks with the pup, on our anniversaries and birthdays, with our friends, after employment changes, during family vacations, because of births and deaths, and following disagreements and debates. 

We’ve had two high school and college graduations, both children on the front lines – one as a soldier in the Middle East fighting terrorists and the other as a respiratory therapist in the hospital during the Covid crisis – and, let’s face it, you don’t wake up most mornings wanting to strangle me!

And you’re as beautiful as you were on our first date, and you’ll always be worth fighting the world over every single day.

Thank you for you.



  1. Beautiful sentiment from the heart.
    Happy Anniversary to both of you and my wishes for many, many more.
    Sincerely with love,
    Emilie Fusco

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