Dearest Veterans:

Yes, it is true. All of it.

We thank you without knowing what we’re thanking you for because it seems like the polite and appropriate things to do. And no, we don’t realize that when we do that, sometimes it conjures memories you’ve buried for very purposeful reasons. It’s also true we don’t understand why loud noises bother you, why you don’t want to share your “war stories,” and why, when we want you to know we see you as heroes, you quickly shed the compliment and back away from us, from them, from everyone.

And we don’t know why. And we don’t know why we should be damn happy we don’t why.

It is true the vast majority of us have not been held accountable for the freedoms you have volunteered to preserve for us. And it is true we have no idea what you had to endure so we could continue taking our loud mouths, ignorant opinions, and selfish behavior for granted. Shoot, we even take for granted our right to take everything for granted!

And it is true some of us have protested against and labeled you with the ugliest of monikers because, well, those dissidents have had that right – and still do today – because you’ve stood up against those attempting to snatch away our 1st Amendment rights … and all the others, too.

So, please realize we’re working on our understanding, and that’s because we want you to feel in your heart our appreciation for what you have personally lost forever for our collective victory.

