An OPEN LETTER to … Our Moms in Heaven …

Dear Moms in Heaven:

We have to wonder if you were finished raising us before you departed; if you imparted all of that wisdom in that wonderful mind; if you held back the best advice of all because you wanted to save it for the perfect time that, sadly, never arrived.

Did you want to tell your husband you loved him for the millionth time? Are there some people who never knew how much you loved them? Because your love was gosh-darn unconditional and literally could be felt in our hearts.

Or did you just want to take one more look around the life you created for yourself?

Many of us are parents now and that has allowed us to learn the sacrifices you made for us. Nikes for us and Payless Shoes for you; our prom dresses and your old, mended blouses; our class rings and your costume jewelry; and the self-hair-colorings so you could still pay for our recital dresses and baseball spikes.

We know. Been there or doing that now.

Your nuggets of knowledge? Always delivered to our children like this: “Well, your Grandmother always said that …

Through the years we have gotten over things like caring about what other people think of us, whether or not our cars were cool enough to impress other people, or that first grey hair (and the many that followed). Over it all.

But we’ll never get over you.

We will always, always love you,

Your Daughters and Your Sons

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