An OPEN LETTER TO … Parents of School Children

You have made your choice between in school and virtual education, and that decision should be respected and not criticized by someone who chose the other option.

He or she is your child, and it’s your life. More people apparently need to understand the concept.

In Ohio County, approximately 30 percent of parent shown responded to a recent survey indicating that their children will remain home and educated on the district’s new virtual platform. Those children who will travel to school buildings will do so on a rotating basis to keep the total number of individuals inside the structures much lower than what used to be deemed normal.

Since something called Covid took control of pretty much everything six months ago, there has been a lot of confusion about the future of education and athletics. The state Division of Health and Human Resources developed a color-coded county map with four colors, green, yellow, orange, and red. Green is good, red is bad, and the yellow and the orange colors represent a possible threat to the community.

Advice? Practice with your child or children. Practice with the mask. Practice with the hand sanitizer. Practice on social distancing. Make it seem normal, but also stress safety for the other students and all of the teachers. Have one of those discussions about how they could bring it home to you, or to a grandparents’ house, and stress that while they easily would recover, you or your mother might not because of health issues and age.

It’s not about scaring them. It’s about the children understanding what is at risk.


Parents of High School Graduates

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