You fall for it every year.

As soon as Corporate America decides it’s time for you to buy their products, they inundate all of us with advertising way before the high temperatures dip down into the 60s. Now, after a record number of 90-degree days in the Wheeling area this summer, it’s understandable why some would like the cool-down to begin, but it’s not. Not yet anyway.

But the fall and winter seasons are coming because there is a time for the leaves to change, for the shorts and flip-flops to be put away, and for long johns and snow boots to be brought out of storage. Snow and sleet will fall, the roads will get slick, and accidents will take place (Did someone say two-mile hill?).

An image for pumpkin spike Spam.
Pumpkin Spice Spam? Really? Now that sounds absolutely gross.

But it’s not time yet for those dreaded inevitabilities to occur.

We love pumpkin pie and pumpkin roll is pretty darn good, too, but in October and not July, August, and September. So, during the 10 days we have until it is officially autumn, have another margarita or Summer Shandy and appreciate the daylight, being able to sit on the front porch, and not needing to know where that #@*%&$# shovel is just yet.


Local Lovers of Summer