Dear Bob:

Thank you for representing the clients not many will and thank you for offering them your best work every day on duty as a public defender in West Virginia’s 1st Judicial Circuit. Thank you for fighting for their second chances and thank you for giving them your respect while navigating their respective course in the courts.

Thank you for defending their rights and making sure law enforcement got it right, and thank you for forcing “fair” into their cases, for reminding us about the integrity, the civility and dignity, and about the morality that’s expected while leaning on and supporting both our state’s and our nation’s Constitution. Thank you for respecting your Oath as an attorney at law, and for finding your professional place in the world while giving your gifts of music and theatrics all at the same time.   

We can only hope the next public defender will step in on Monday and attempt to do for their clients what you do for yours, but we do know we’re looking forward to more “Troubadour” in the days and weeks and years to come.

Thank you for you,

In the Name of Everyone


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