An OPEN LETTER to … Self-Preserving Elected Officials …

Illustration by Bob Dombrowski

Dear Politicians:

Listen. There’s that silence again.

That’s because the rhetoric has simmered to that silence again after, disgustingly, the school safety debate reached the ad nauseum, unsolving level just as it did the last time children were massacred by a murder-minded madman. We scream and we yell at each other over gun rights, but once the funerals are over, the political punchfest ends in yet another useless, infuriating draw.

Sound about right? Unfortunately, it does.

So, let’s solve the school dilemma by restricting access no matter how demented the intentions and the firepower deployed by building triple-layer security fence systems around them all. It’s only money, right? And who really cares if it makes our educational facilities look like correctional institutions?

Kids are safe. Problem solved.

But that still leaves the elephant romping in the room, now doesn’t it? What about the other “soft targets” like churches and cinemas and other public forums and events? How do we solve that conundrum?

Well, believe it or not, by talking about it WITHOUT-WITHOUTWITHOUT the liberal lunacy and alt-right recklessness that ALWAYS leads to nothing but division over and over and over again.

Instead, how about we name the elephant “Jumbo” in honor of the issue, finally admit our country has a massive-and-mismanaged mental health problem that massacres thousands per day, and add firearm access precautions that clog clauses and close lousy loopholes without infringing upon the Second Amendment and penalizing legal-living and healthy Americans?

Impossible? No it’s not, but folks, if we keep normalizing everything alarming, we’re eliminating red flags meant to protect us while we pursue our versions of the American Dream.

There, we said it. And, yes, we are requesting our federal politicians stop playing their own survival games without our well-being in their minds. Finally.


Done with Your Dung