Dear Wishful Thinkers:

You’re peaking outside right now, aren’t you? Praying you see a flake, a flurry, maybe even a shower or –  OMG!! – a snow squall that lasts longer than one magical moment.

You know you’ll have to shovel it. You know you won’t be able to drive in it. You don’t care. It’s cold, it’s slick, and it’s wet, but you don’t care.

You want it. You want a lot of it, too, don’t ya? You want what’s predicted, and plus. We’re willing to bet you even went to the grocery store and you purchased the toilet paper (we hope), the Ho-Hos, bunches of your favorite beverages, and you even grabbed one or two of those Chef Boyaredee Pizzas, didn’t ya?

Admit it. You want March 1993 or January 1978, right?

We know it!!

Know how?

Because we do, too!! We feel the same way, but there have to be stipulations, right? We want people to be safe and warm and fed like us, and we want everyone to stay off the roadways and shovel their walks and have jackets and coats and gloves. We want a snowstorm, sure, but we want it to be harmless and innocent and astonishingly beautiful. 

And just how possible is that?


Be Careful What Ya Wish For