Officials with the W.Va. Department of Transportation:

Just pull off the Band-Aid people. Don’t hint. It’s not cute. You’re not being kind. You even have our Mayor talking about what he’s heard on “the grapevine,” and that’s not fair to him.

If you have decided to permanently close the Wheeling Suspension Bridge to vehicular traffic, just tell us. Tell the Mayor and tell the people of the City of Wheeling. The historic span has been closed since Fall 2019 because tour bus drivers didn’t know how to read weight limit signs, and because locals failed to convert “2 Tons” into 4,000 pounds.

But quit with the hinting, close the bridge, and preserve it as one of the greatest pieces of history not just in Wheeling’s past, but in our country’s as the true Gateway to the West.

We’d appreciate being treated like adults.


Grownups in Wheeling