Ladies and Gentleman:
We like and we dislike. It’s human nature, and that’s why some people are Browns fans and others are Steelers fans, and so on and so forth. And yes, that’s why some people are Taylor Swift fans, and some are not.
And that’s OK. It is, really. No need to flip out. Music is an acquired taste, that’s all. You like it or you don’t.
Now, if someone dislikes Swift because of her brief in-private-box TV appearances during Chiefs’ games, that’s their prerogative, too. Not everyone has to enjoy the fairy tale love story between pop superstar and Kansas City tight end Travis Kelce, so save the guilt trips. Those complaints only add more ridiculousness to all of the ridiculousness.
But hey, if some folks go to the trouble to cuss and moan and post sneering memes on Facebook about her? If they argue she’s ruining the game-watching experience? That she’s a jinx of sorts? Or, for some crazed reason, an anti-fan insists the Most Popular Human on the Planet doesn’t deserve any attention whatsoever?
Well, not sure what to tell ya there except our best advice for those bellyaching grumps is … Don’t. Watch. The. Game.
Because, football fans, we’re going to see Taylor Swift on our televisions during Super Bowl LVIII. A LOT. A LOT-A LOT. Probably more this Sunday than we did on TV or streaming broadcasts during the regular season and playoffs because – that’s right – business is business.
The Tortured Complaint Department