An OPEN LETTER to … The Crew at Bob’s Lunch in Moundsville …

A lunch counter.
Bob's Lunch in Moundsville still features lunch counter seating inside the eatery.

Dear Folks at Bob’s Lunch:

We just wanted to drop you a quick note this morning to say “THANKS” for always being there for us when visiting the city of Moundsville.

We very much look forward to the home cooking away from home, the swift and swirling ladies who get you in and get you out, the consistent kitchen that seems always on point, and the all-American conversations we encounter during our visits to 800 3rd Street.

Y’all do it right, and that’s why we see everyone from state senators to police chiefs to livestock farmers enjoying everything from a Bob’s Club, a 2 Pound Mound Cheeseburger, or the All The Way Omelet.  

Oh, and please never get rid of that classic lunch counter.

Thanks again,

The Full Bellied