An OPEN LETTER to … The Elected Folks Who Can Approve Bagging the Meters in Downtown Wheeling

Wheeling Councilors:

For the past five years, Main and Market streets have been in the worst condition most residents can recall. Many of those residents avoid the roadways at all costs, and they blame you.

Yes, we know you’ve heard it before, and yes, we realize it’s been over-over-over-and-over again. It is, however, necessary to remind you all of the experienced torture because we have a suggestion for you that you might not like very much.

OK, here goes …

Please bag all of the parking meters between 10th and 16th streets during the two-year, $30 million streetscape project.


> Promote it as an incentive to “do business and/or have a meal downtown.”

> Why punish a motorist more than the street already do?

> The meter attendants can work temporarily in other city departments where staffing is needed.

> $10 is way too much to charge for parking tickets in the City of Wheeling.

> Because you should have approved it as soon as the pandemic restrictions were removed by the governors in West Virginia and Ohio.

> The businesses in downtown Wheeling have endured enough, haven’t they?

A rendering.
This rendering displays the intersection of 12th and Main streets following the streetscape project.

Once this beautification is completed in November 2024, downtown Wheeling will be far more aesthetically attractive than its current state, and hopefully new businesses will take root.

Until then, though, there will be lane restrictions, road closures, blocked sidewalks, and barrels freaking everywhere. Plus, the City cannot offer the owners “Streetscape Relief Funds” to cover their losses as the federal government did during the pandemic.

This is not political. This is about offering current business owners a chance to survive the rest of this debacle.

So, at least bag the meters?


Counselors for Councilors

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