Dear Developer:
We’ll be a bit paranoid. Maybe still a little angry.
But please still visit the Upper Ohio Valley to see the untapped potential in our downtown districts, along the Ohio River, and in our commercial/residential neighborhoods. This region has good bones with tremendous history and built-in amenities like our four seasons, the rolling hills, and the gorgeous natural habitat surrounding everything we do here.
And we have us, the people, too. We know what we were decades ago, and we’re proud of that past, but we believe we can become a better, newer version of the prosperous, innovative, determined, and hardworking region we’ve heard so much about from our parents and grandparents. We’re open to change while insistent on preserving what’s historical, and we have the schools, the safety, the labor, the recreation, the entertainment, and that all-American feel with close proximity to big-city glitz.
We do ask one thing. Just be honest.
We See the Vision Too