An OPEN LETTER to … The Old/New Owner of the McLure Hotel …

Two flags.
The West Virginia flag is ripped in half, and Old Glory is in need of respect in front of the McLure Hotel.

Owner, McLure Hotel:

Perhaps your manager hasn’t let you know about the condition of the flags currently connected to poles on the front roof of your building, so please allow us to explain.

The West Virginia flag has ripped in half, and the United States Flag is badly tattered and ripped, too, and that’s a BIG NO-NO in our country. Proper protocol, according to the Department of Defense, is to remove and properly dispose of an American Flag, “When it is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, it should be removed and destroyed by burning.”

Residents of West Virginia believe our state flag should be shown the same respect, but that’s not what’s going on at 1200 Market Street. In fact, that’s why we’re reaching out to you now.

We would like to respectfully request you remove and dispose of the two flags in proper style, and either replace and maintain them, or remove the poles.

We know you are attempting to sell the hotel again, and we’re aware the streetscape project has challenged your operations, but we want to root for and promote you … but you have to be someone we want to root for and promote. That’s the deal across the board in business, right?

It sure is.


Your Fellow Americans

Photo Credit: Jen Congelio Donahue