Dear Jaybo’s Regulars:
It’s usually a very blank and tired stretch of interstate with only one thing on most motorists’ minds – survival!
That’s because of the grand merger of Interstate 70 and Interstate 470, and often that involves navigating around those gigantic semi-tractor trailers that barrel down the roadway at speeds well above the local limits.
But for several months now, something else has drawn our attention; something that’s provoked so many memories of that really cool bar in the Elm Grove area of Wheeling that offered great food and beverage specials AND the best live music lineup the city had ever seen.
For several years, the restaurant “Silver Chopsticks” operated inside the same structure, and thanks to the owner’s lack of maintenance, we’ve been blessed by recollections of “The Fat Chick” chicken sandwich and the many lives shows – many of which were performed by the late-n’-great Brett Cain. Brett passed a little less than four years ago, but his musical talents and his wonderful personality are often recalled throughout the Upper Ohio Valley.
So, we’d like to propose an idea … how about a reunion benefit sometime and somewhere this summer in memory of Jaybo’s and in honor of Brett? Money could be raised to increase Diabetes awareness, a local DJ could play some of the best of Brett’s, and a few bands could perform, as well.
On the grill? You guessed it!! Giant chicken breasts, hot sausage, burgers, and whatever else makes sense to feed a crowd that includes all demographics possible because that’ who we all used to hang out with at Jaybo’s.
Fans of the Grug & the Grog