Dr. John Johnson, Access Infrastructure LLC:

First, congratulations on the continued operation of East Ohio Regional Hospital and the recent expansion of services. We know providing local residents with new options for help with addiction and mental health was your objective when purchasing the Martins Ferry property prior to the pandemic, and ya just gotta love when a plan comes together, don’t ya?

And speaking about your plans, what’s up with the tallest building in downtown Wheeling? Ya know, 12 stories, built by Henry Schmulbach back in 1905, 128 one- and two-bedroom apartments, retail on the Market Street level?

How’s that project coming along? We’re asking because when Weelunk’s Alex Panas and Wheeling Heritage Media produced an impressive video package with a tour of the gutted and stripped interior with Coon Restoration VP of Operations Dan Blend, it was reported that the $30 million, 144-square-foot project would be completed by, well, now.  

A rendering of a parking garage.
The Mills Group designed the new Market Street Garage that is expected to open next year.

And it’s not – not even close – so obviously, an obstacle has been encountered … but not with the taxpayers’ part of the deal, right?

If you’ll recall, Doctor, in order to get the building deal done, city officials had to agree to provide the parking for your future residents, and today construction of the $12.3 million Market Street Garage is in full swing and at some point next year we’ll have a six-deck, 290-spot, fully automated parking garage complete with charging stations for electric vehicles.

So, Dr. Johnson, where are you on your end of the deal? For real. No “vision” talk. No jabber about vibrancy. Timeline. Let’s talk timeline. Where we at, Doc?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Your Taxpaying Partners


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