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An OPEN LETTER … to the Pooping Public


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How much do you people poop, anyway?

We guess so much so that our spouses have felt the need to transmit texts like this one:

So, yay, we can poop, too.


It’s referred to as “panic buying,” and it’s not just toilet paper in this Upper Ohio Valley. The shelves at the New Martinsville Walmart, for example, are bare of paper towels, over-the-counter medications, and cleaning supplies, and the corporation’s Ohio Valley Plaza location offered few options for canned vegetables, hand sanitizer, and baby wipes.

We’ve been advised to adopt “social distancing,” and thanks to cancelations of everything from professional and college sports events to school classes and birthday parties, it appears as if loneliness could be the next crisis. But, you see, that doesn’t have to be the case because the warnings concern large gatherings and NOT going to dinner with the family or having a beer with friends. Health officials have advised us to, yes, avoid crowds larger than 250 people, and to wash our hands often and, and if not feeling well, to stay away from other folks.

Simple enough.

An employee putting the last products on the shelf.
This is a common site nowadays inside local big-box retailers in the Upper Ohio Valley. (Photo by Teran Malone)

Now, the list of symptoms include CV-19 are many of the same as experienced when ill with influenza, including nausea, headaches, congestion, and respiratory issues, but nothing has been mentioned that involves the virus causing a complete evacuation of one’s upper and lower intestinal tracts.

So, why the run on TP?


We No. 2, Too

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Steve Novotney
Steve Novotney
Steve Novotney has been a professional journalist for 33 years, working in print for weekly, daily, and bi-weekly publications, writing for a number of regional and national magazines, host baseball-related talks shows on Pittsburgh’s ESPN, and as a daily, all-topics talk show host in the Wheeling and Steubenville markets since 2004. Novotney is the co-owner, editor, and co-publisher of LEDE News, and is the host of “Novotney Now,” a daily program that airs Monday-Friday from 3-6 p.m. on River Talk 100.1 & 100.9 FM.


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