Dear Former Valentines:

Don’t know. No idea. Honestly. Swear. Don’t know.

Those old “CONFIDENTIAL” love letters could be anywhere, frankly. Those poems filled with all those dreams we had no idea weren’t possible, those promises and those forevers scribbled in the passed notes in class, and all those pinky-swear secrets we were never going to tell anyone for ever and ever.

Those homecoming and prom photos? Hilarious! And, OMG, the hairstyles back then! And we had all that hair! So many old movie tickets, too, and there were a bunch of those Polaroid One-Step pics, and why is there a BBC wrapper from Rax?

We remember those little treasures, and we cherished them and re-read them and then hid them away … but we just don’t know where in the world those sweet nothings could be. It’s all in that one box that’s probably unmarked and sitting off in some corner in an attic or basement somewhere.

Let’s just hope that’s not where the launch codes are, too …


Apparently Any POTUS?

(Art by Bob Dombrowski)