Well, Hidey Ho Neighbor:

Ya know, there was a time many moons ago when we – collectively – believed it took a village to raise a child, and, yes, we practiced it – especially during the summer months. We trusted each other to watch over and protect, even discipline, our children, and to call a neighbor when a kid’s behavior was especially concerning.

And sure, that included when a kid squeaked and leaked the profanity they allegedly learned at home.

But now? Shoot, that kind of community trust has been erased by creepy criminals and sue-happy citizens, and such a door-to-door dynamic is believed dangerous because, well, we hold very little faith in anyone who’s not in the family portrait. That’s why, without any doubt, our children and grandchildren are growing up very differently than we did in this valley, and why we have to wonder what can be salvaged. If anything?

The sandlots. The woods. The backyard shortcuts. The tree houses. The uncharted bike rides. The allowed adventures – without liability lawyers chasing down laughable lawsuits, of course – and those front-porch campouts with our lightning bug night lights.

Or are those good ole summer times gone for good?


Won’t You Be My Neighbor?